When you book in for a massage or reflexology session for the first time, we have a consultation together. You’d be forgiven for thinking this is a quick, paperwork formality before getting on with the real business of the session. But it’s not! Your consultation is an important part of the therapeutic process.
My new clients are often surprised at how valuable the consultation is in itself, before you even get on the couch. So what happens when you decide to book in for a massage or reflexology session for the first time? In this blog we’ll explore what we discuss in your first consultation and why.
Your intentions for the treatment
It’s important that we both understand why you booked a treatment. You might be hoping your massage or reflexology session will help reduce stress or anxiety. You may have a particular physical ailment you’re hoping to alleviate. You may want to feel more relaxed and like yourself again.
Taking the time to explore what you want from the session helps me ensure your needs are met. And it can also help you clarify your own wants and needs for yourself. This is especially true for clients who’ve been gifted a session. They might have thought they were simply having some time out for themselves, and in the consultation realise they’ve been carrying a lot of tension they were unaware of, for example.
We’ll discuss whether you’re planning a course of treatment or a one off session. During the process of the consultation I can also recommend what would suit you best – though of course the decision is always yours. It’s important that if this is a one off treatment that we don’t open a can of worms! Often, for example, issues with deep muscular tissue will need a course of treatment.
Your physical health
In full confidence we will talk through your current physical health. As well as discussing things you might expect, such as any health conditions or medication, we’ll also discuss your whole physical picture. Factors such as your menstrual cycle and average amount of sleep all help inform the work I’ll do with you.
Your lifestyle
We’ll also discuss your lifestyle and habits. This isn’t just me being nosey, and I certainly won’t judge! But it will help me understand and work with your body better. It is your daily activity and lifestyle patterns that influence the state your body is in, so knowing the context is important.
It may be that we can discuss adjustments to your daily routine (such as drinking more water or getting more sleep – most of us need more water and sleep!) that will complement the work of the massage or reflexology session. I can also recommend other complementary practitioners, such as physiotherapists or nutritionists if relevant.
Your preferences
You are the expert in your own body, and it’s important to me that you get the experience you want. During the consultation there will be opportunities for you to tell me about your preferences. For example, you might prefer that I avoid certain places (such as your face or feet) during a massage. You can tell me whether you prefer music playing during the session or not.
There are no silly questions during a consultation. Just as it allows me to understand you and your needs, it’s a chance for you to understand more about your treatment and the work I do. It’s important you feel entirely comfortable with the plan we make together so there will be plenty of time for you to ask questions and clarify anything you’re unsure about.
Time for you
As you can see, the consultation process is far more than a formality. It’s there to set the scene for your treatment, and to give you a chance to pause and reflect on your own needs. Depending on the Covid-19 situation your consultation can be over the phone or in person. My hope is that it leaves you feeling comfortable and confident in our plans for your treatment, so you can fully enjoy this time that’s just for you.
If you’d like to book in some restoration time, do get in touch. Just as in the consultation, there are no silly questions. This is time for you to get to the heart of what you want and need.